Full Text Template 

Chaptered Book Template 


1- Abstracts MUST BE IN ENGLISH.

2- Those who use DIFFERENT TEXT FONTS should send their fonts to the e-mail address in the contact section.

3- The relevant editor can make the necessary spelling corrections himself.

4- Abstracts must contain MINIMUM 200, MAXIMUM 300 WORDS. There should be 5 KEYWORDS in the “Keywords” section below it.

5- NAME, SURNAME, TITLE, INSTITUTION, MAIL ADDRESS information must be included in the abstracts. If available, the ORCID number can also be written. This information should be written with GARAMOND as font. Font size should be 11 PUNTO

6- The first letter of the names in the abstracts should be in UPPER characters and the following letters should be in SMALL characters. For surnames, all characters should be written in CAPITAL. The first letter of the abbreviations of the titles should be in UPPER and the following letters should be in SMALL characters. Example: Prof. Dr. Hakan HAKYEMEZ

7- The first letters of the words in the title of the abstract should be UPPER and the next letters should be SMALL.

8- Conjunctions and articles such as “and, the, of, in, on, at, during, between, with, by, as, against” in English abstract titles should be written in SMALL letters if they are in the middle of the title. If these conjunctions and articles are written at the beginning of the title or after punctuation marks other than commas or semicolons, the first letters can be written as UPPER and the following letters as SMALL. In addition, the above rules are valid for the word “a”, which means one.

Poster Papers

1- The rules valid for abstracts are also valid for poster papers.

Full Texts

1- Full texts will be loaded from the system. The review on whether the texts of those who want their full text to be published in the book section will be included in the book section will be carried out by our referees. TEXTS THAT ARE APPROVED AT THE RESULT OF THE REVIEW WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE BOOK SECTION, OTHERS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE FULL TEXTS BOOK.
3- Full texts MUST NOT EXCEED 10,000 WORDS.
4- The texts are scanned by iThenticate or Turnitin. The similarity rate should be MAXIMUM 20%.
5- GARAMOND 12 PUNTO, 10 PUNTO IN THE FOOTNOTE should be used in the text, LINE AND PARAGRAPH SPAN should be 1.15. Paragraphs must have 0nk before and 6nk after.
6- Paragraphs must be started from ONE TAB (1.25CM) INSIDE.
7- Author(s) should write their NAME, SURNAME, TITLE, INSTITUTIONAL MAIL ADDRESS in the texts. If available, the ORCID number can also be written.
8- The first letter of the names in the texts should be in UPPER characters and the next letters should be in SMALL characters. For surnames, all characters should be written in CAPITAL. The first letter of the abbreviations of the titles should be in UPPER and the following letters should be in SMALL characters.
9- When a block quote is made, the entire quote must be INSIDE ONE TAB (1.25CM). When the citation is finished, it should be noted that THE REFERENCE IS REQUIRED! The citation rate cannot exceed 20% of the text.
10-A space should be left after the main headings.
11- APA citation system should be used in the text.
12- The structure of the text should be as follows (Red Headings are MANDATORY)


Left justified, both Turkish and English titles are written exactly with only the first letters UPPER and the following letters SMALL. Conjunctions in Turkish titles should be written in SMALL letters if they are in the middle of the title. If these connectors are written at the beginning of the title or after punctuation marks other than commas or semicolons, they can be written as UPPERCASE and their next letter SMALL.


However, conjunctions and articles such as “and, the, of, in, on, at, during, between, with, by, as, against” in English abstract titles should be written in SMALL letters if they are in the middle of the title. If these conjunctions and articles are written at the beginning of the title or after punctuation marks other than commas or semicolons, the first letters can be written as UPPER and the following letters as SMALL. In addition, the above rules are valid for the word “a”, which means one.


Write the theoretical/conceptual framework of your work here, including references. You should state the purpose and importance of your work.


Write the method part of your work here.


Level 1: Centered, Bold, Initials of Words CAPITAL Rest of SMALL

Level 2: Left-justified, Bold, Initials of Words in CAPITAL Rest of them in SMALL

Level 3: Left-justified, Bold, Initials of Words in CAPITAL Rest in SMALL

Level 4: Left-justified, Bold, Initials of Words CAPITAL Rest of SMALL

Level 5: Left-justified, Bold, Initials of Words in CAPITAL Rest in SMALL

– The following example should be considered in the table representation. In case of necessity, except for the table title, the contents can be written 10 OR 9 PUNTO. The table and its title should be centered.

Table 1 – Table Title




Table items-1



Table items-2




Citation (in text)

In in-text citations, we adopt the principle of including the surnames of the authors and the publication year of the work, as well as the page number from which the cited part is taken. Page numbers should also be given in parentheses, both in paraphrase (rewriting the author’s opinion in your own sentences), and in direct quotations (quoting the author’s sentences in quotation marks or block quotations). If the source does not consist of pages (for example, an article taken from the internet), it should be stated as in which paragraph (Author Surname, Year, paragraph x) the cited part is included, and the order of the paragraph in the text should be written instead of x.

First Reference to the Work in the Text

With one author (İnalcık, 2016: 108)

Two authors (Daş and Ospanova, 2019: 382-383)

With Three or More Authors (Karauğuz et al., 2002: 9)


Author groups (abbreviated)

If more than one work is cited in the same parenthesis, WHAT IS WRITTEN FIRST in the bibliography is WRITTEN.

If two or more works by the same author are referenced, the letters following the alphabetical order are added to the publication year: eg. (Cemil Meriç, 2000a); (Cemil Meriç, 2000b).

If the author of the work is not specified, the first few words of the name of the work are used when quoting. When referring to such a work, the title of the book is written in italics, followed by the date: eg. As stated in another resource (Family Education Guide, 2008)… or as stated in the Family Education Guide (2008)…

If more than one author with the same surname is referenced, the names of the authors should also be stated in the sentence, even if the publication years of the works are different. For example: Turan Yay (1993); Gülsün Yay (2012).

Personal interviews should be mentioned in the text but not in the bibliography. For example: (Hikmet Öğüt, personal communication, December 2000).

It is essential to reach primary sources in studies, but if they could not be reached due to some difficulties, the cited or cited source is indicated in the reference. For example: (cited by Özcan, 200: 210); (cited in Smith, 2012b: 45-52). The source information in the cited or cited work is not included.

Explanatory information about the citation or other than the citation should be given at the bottom of the page by adding footnotes. The reference in the footnote should be the same as the text.


All sources used and cited during the study (except for classical texts and personal interviews) are added to the Bibliography. WORKS THAT ARE NOT CITED IN THE WORK ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE REFERENCES.

You can create a Bibliography in two ways. Our preference is to use the Microsoft Word program, so the margin of error will be reduced to zero.

  • Automatically in Microsoft Word
  1. Before the article starts to be written in Microsoft Word, go to the “Manage Resources” and “Style” sections from the “References” tab. Select “APA” from the style.
  2. Click on the “Manage Resources” section, click on the “New” section in the opened tab and add the resources used in the article one by one.


  1. While writing the article in Word, after each citation you make, click “Add Citation” from the “References” tab and select “Add New Source”. From the tab that opens, enter the information about the source you use and save it. In this way, you will enter the system as you use the resources.

2.After the article is finished, click “References” => “Add References” from “References” and it will add the sources you cited at the end of the document in the appropriate style.

  • Manually

References are listed alphabetically according to the surnames of the authors. If there is no author’s name, the name of the work is taken as the basis. If more than one work of an author is used, the sources are written in chronological order. If more than one work of an author published in the same year is used, they are listed as “2020a”, “2020b” according to the alphabetical order of the titles of the works.


In the “bibliography”, the surname of the author, the initials of the first name (sometimes the first two names), the year of publication (in parentheses), the name of the work, the publication information, are written separately with dots. Book titles are written entirely in lowercase and italic letters after the first letter of the title (except for proper titles).

A-Single Authored or Edited Book

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names). Place of Print: Publisher.

Editor’s Surname, Editor’s Initials. (Ed.). (Year). The title of the book is in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names). Place of Print: Publisher.

B-Book with Two or More Authors or Editors

First Author’s Surname, First Author’s Initials. and Second Author’s Surname, Second Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names). Location: Publisher.

C-Revised or Enlarged Editions

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in all lowercase (Revised/enlarged xth edition). Place of Print: Publisher.

D-Untitled Books

The title of the book is in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names). (Year). Location: Publisher.

E-Books of Two or More Volumes

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in all lowercase (volume x). Place of Print: Publisher.

F-Translation Books

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the book is in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names). (First Letters of Translator’s Name. Translator’s Surname, Trans.) Place of Publication: Publishing House.

G- Writing in a Compiled Book

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the article. The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in all lowercase (p. page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.

H- An Article or Section in the Review

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the article. The initial of the editor’s name(s). Editor’s surname (Ed.), title of the book in italics and all lowercase after the first letter (except for proper names) (p. page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.

I-Chapter or Article in Reference Books

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the article. The title of the book is in italics and after the first letter (except for proper names) in all lowercase (p. page number range). Place of Print: Publisher.

  1. Articles

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year, month if applicable). Only the first letter of the first word of the article is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not a proper noun. Name of Journal Italic and First Letter of Each Word Capitalized, Volume Italic (Issue), Page Number Range. doi: xxxxxx

3.Other Resources


Director’s Surname, Director’s Initials. (Director). (Year). The title of the movie is in italics. Production city: Production company name.

B-Internet Resources

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (The publication date of the article). The title of the article is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest are lowercase if not proper nouns. Access date: Day Month Year, link to the article.

C-Unpublished Master’s/PhD Theses

Author’s Surname, Author’s Initials. (Year). The title of the thesis is in italics, only the first letter of the first word is capitalized, the rest is lowercase if not a proper noun (Unpublished Master’s/PhD Thesis). Name of Institution, Location of Institution.

In articles written in English, some expressions that we use when citing should also be written in English. Below is a table of them.